5 Tips How to Shop on a Budget

5 Tips How to Shop on a Budget
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

Learning how to shop on a budget is easy when you know how. Savvy savers and retail self-therapists have been crunching the numbers and practising how to shop smart and save money for a long time. And with more people than ever needing to make their money go further, we’ve taken some of the key tips for shopping on a budget and compiled them so you can save more money, too.

Tip 1. Use Coupons

Ruby - money saving App

While counting the coupons might not be your first preference for saving money, coupons can often prove to be tiny but mighty opportunities for shopping on a budget. Coupons are everywhere for almost every store. If you’re shopping, you should be checking to see if the places you shop at frequently have coupons available.

It doesn’t have to be work, either. Websites like Ruby offer automatic sets and easy to search coupons for the best online stores across the globe. And there are a plethora of coupon apps that offer the freshest deals and discounts through coupons you can use online or print to use in physical stores.

Tip 2. Check the Sales

Check the sales via Ruby App

Year-round, each season, there are sales everywhere. Most stores offer sales regularly. From warmer season clothes and skin care deals in the Spring to set shoppers up over the Summer to the biggest Black Friday deals on electronics, you can always find sales on your favourite goods.

If you can be patient, you can easily grab seasonal bargains. Also, check to see if a store or supermarket has a dedicated section exclusively for sales items. They usually do.

Tip 3. Shop at the Local Market

Shopping from the local market

Visiting your local market is one of our top tips for shopping on a budget. Not only will you save money on items usually imported and sold for high prices in supermarkets, but you will also help support the local community. Fresh produce such as fruits, greens, and meat, is an especially good reason to shop at the local market. In general, they will be of better quality, healthier, and cheaper than their supermarket counterparts.

Tip 4. Shop Online

Shop online

Ecommerce has opened new opportunities for savvy shoppers. Here, shopping is convenient, and how to shop on a budget becomes simpler. Shopping online means you may not have to pay sales tax for people living in certain countries such as the US. Another advantage to shopping online is that you can easily compare prices from different online stores. And because there are so many competitors, more than can be compared with physical retail space, the competition means you’re more likely to find cheaper prices.

Tip 5. Buy In Bulk

Online Shopping

How to shop on a budget includes one of the oldest but best money-saving tips, buying in bulk. Typically, stores are more than happy to give discounts to those willing to pay more money and buy more upfront. Those in the know buy non-perishable items such as tissue, toothpaste, rice, sugar, and tin items in bulk. Although you will pay more upfront, in the long run, you save a lot of money.